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our projects
Our Projects

Organising and Local Mobilising Project

In 2022 we hired our Engagement and Advocacy Lead, Saffron Carter, and embarked on a new Organising and Local Mobilising project in partnership with the Trussell Trust.  This will help us move towards our goals of ending the need for our services and the foodbank locally.

We have the potential to be powerful change-makers because we have:
  • Relationships with people across their communities who care about social injustice and equality
  • Volunteers who are committed to doing something to combat financial hardship
  • Knowledge of experiences of financial crisis and relationships with people with lived experiences
  • A public profile and trusted voice
What motivates us?

We long to see thriving families and individuals living their lives to the full and believe everyone should have enough to afford the essentials in life.

We believe change is possible.

The key to ending the need for our services and foodbank locally is identifying and addressing the underlying causes of financial hardship and crisis.

What is organising and mobilising?

Community Organising is the work of bringing people together to take action around their common concerns and overcome social injustice.  Community Organisers reach out and listen, connect and motivate people to build their collective power.



Mobilising: Encouraging people / groups who are already supporting you to complete a specific task; this task could be online, such as signing a petition in support of a campaign, or in person, such as attending a rally.


OLM graphic process

Our work:

Campaigns in association with
Engagement with Suffolk County
Campaign Success Stories
Press Releases & Media Coverag

If you would like to be involved, please contact or to find out about our volunteering roles click here.