Reach Haverhill Logo

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Need help? 

Don't wait - Get in touch! 

We can help with:

  • Debt & budgeting advice
  • Threatened eviction
  • Emergency food
  • Benefits & Housing Applications
  • Council tax reductions
  • Additional financial help for pensioners
  • Highlighting unclaimed support
  • Options for those working or unemployed
  • Free childcare applications and other support for parents
  • Self-help & information
  • Utility reductions

Our friendly team of advisers are here on hand to help you, so please do get in touch:
Phone: 0800 009 6710
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm
Due to an increased need for our services, please contact the office BEFORE 1pm for food queries - calls after this time may be dealt with the following day.

If you need a face-to-face meeting regarding any of our services, you can call, or pop down to our Welcome Space.

Our Welcome Spaces do not need to be booked in advance and are open from 2-4pm as follows:

Monday: The Link, 45A High St, Haverhill CB9 8AE
Tuesday: West Suffolk College Building, Provincial House, 32 High St, Haverhill CB9 8AR
Wednesday: Chalkstone Community Centre, Millfields Way, Haverhill CB9 0JB
Thursday: Methodist Church Hall, 28 Camps Road, Haverhill CB9 8HF
Friday: St Mary's Church, High Street, Haverhill, CB9 8AX



self help
cost of living