Irene and George's Story
Concerned about the loss of their Winter Fuel Payment, they were told by friends and family that they should apply for Pension Credit, but didn’t know how, and rightly turned to REACH.

Irene and George are in their late 70s, and just about getting by, physically and financially. They suffer from the usual pains and difficulties getting around that can come with later years, unable to work (and why should they, at their age?), while also finding that their pension and savings are barely covering their essentials. Concerned about the loss of their Winter Fuel Payment, they were told by friends and family that they should apply for Pension Credit, but didn’t know how, and rightly turned to REACH.
One of our advisers chatted with them and checked their finances, only to discover that they fell short of being eligible for Pension Credit by just 75p. However, from speaking with them at length, our advisor knew they would be eligible for other benefits instead, and promptly helped them to apply for Attendance Allowance, a council tax reduction, and a water rate reduction.
These were all approved, and this has secured almost £500 a month for Irene and George – almost double the value of Pension Credit! For the older couple it is truly life-changing on a day-to-day basis. Irene pointed out that not only can they have the heating on without dreading the bill, but now when they go shopping, they can just put the items in their basket without discussing every item and worrying whether they have enough pennies.
Many people assume they aren’t eligible for financial support, but REACH aims to ensure no one is left too frightened to warm their home or do their weekly shop.

*Name changed to protect identity