Campaign With Us
Ultimately, we long to see a world where our services are no longer needed.
We will use our experience, data and research to contribute to the bigger picture, both locally and nationally to challenge some of the unfair structures that keep people trapped in financial hardship.
To read more about our Organising and Local Mobilising campaign project, read here.
Other ways to help
Read and share our
Guarantee our Essentials campaign.
Continue having conversations with your friends, family and neighbours about the impossible decisions that people visiting the food bank are facing, the solutions and ways we can end hunger, and how they can play their part in helping us to do this.
Email Rachel Reeves MP about the high cost that comes with the National Insurance changes to charities like REACH. You can also
download a letter that you could send to your local MP.
Hold REACH in your thoughts and join us in praying together for a more just future where no one needs emergency aid to get by and we see a flourishing, thriving and resilient people in our communities.