Amanda's Story
When Amanda* lost her job, she couldn't afford her bills and was struggling to even feed herself.

Amanda has always worked, but lost her job unexpectedly. She lives alone in a small flat, with only her own income to rely on. Without that income she was freezing cold at home, unable to afford to turn on the heating, and embarrassed to ask for help.
When she plucked up the courage to ask for a small food parcel during the winter months, Outreach Advisor Tracey spoke with her about the 71 job applications she had made. We offered to help her with disability allowance, but she didn't want it; she was determined to get a job, and needed the social aspect that she'd had through her whole working life.
Our advisor Tracey said: "She came in embarrassed and tearful, saying she'd never had to ask for help before. We were able to talk and make her laugh a bit, and she said it was just what she needed. We gave her a heating voucher to warm her flat because she'd been just sitting in the cold, as well as some food to keep her going. Yesterday she called with fantastic news - she has suddenly had 3 job offers in a week!"
Her new job starts in January, and she's so optimistic for the new year. Your support will keep her warm and fed through Christmas, including a few mince pies to enjoy, until she gets back on track in January.
*Name changed to protect identity