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How We Help 


We aim to get to the root of the issue.  A person may come to us asking for food or help with gas and electricity, and we will help.  But this is often a symptom of a deeper underlying or complex set of problems.  On a person-by-person basis, together with the individual, we conduct a full financial assessment to begin the process of understanding the real need.  Then we help get things under control.  However long it takes, we will work with the person to get them back on their feet.

We help with a wide range of situations in which people struggling with financial hardship and crisis find themselves:
  • Debt & Budgeting advice
  • Threatened Eviction
  • Emergency Food
  • Client Aid
  • Benefits & Housing Applications
  • Self-help & information

We also know that there are wider factors that lead to financial hardship. So as well as this long-term support, we have founded various projects that focus on preventing people from falling into crisis in the first place - including; Budgeting lessons, cooking lessons and advocating for local needs and services.

Feeding into this is our Policy work, where we use community involvement to amplify the voice of lived experience in Haverhill and surrounding areas, in order to influence policy changes.

Approach: The Three P's

We're working with people, partners, schools and government bodies to help relieve and prevent financial hardship in Haverhill and surrounding areas through the Three 'P's; Prevention, Policy, and Pounds in Pockets.



We're encouraging people to come to our free drop-in sessions to find out whether we can get more Pounds into their Pockets! Please click here to find out more.