Want to help support local families in need?
REACH has a fabulous team of volunteers who offer their time and skills to support local families in need. Without the valuable contribution of volunteers, not a lot would happen!
Want to get involved?
We have various roles available, and no experience is needed, so please pop us an email or give us a call.
Get in touch on 0800 009 6710 or email Jessica at jessica.last@reachhaverhill.org.uk
Or, check our vacancies for volunteer roles we currently need to fill most urgently.
Here are just some of our volunteering roles...
- Client Support Volunteers
Assist with issuing food and providing support to people in need at our local Hubs across Haverhill, and/or triaging calls at our office.
- Warehouse Volunteers
Collecting donations, managing donated stock and packing emergency food boxes at our foodbank warehouse.
Working alongside the community to hear and identify inequalities that are affecting local people, then campaigning for beneficial change, with an aim to reduce inequality, financial hardship and the need for our foodbank locally.
- Events Team Volunteer
To assist with a range of local events, raise awareness about REACH, how we can help and how people can support our work, current campaigns and answer any questions people may have.
If you would like to keep up to date with any new volunteering opportunities, you can:
Thank you!