Looking at money issues and mental health
We've long realised that there's a link between people facing financial crisis and mental health issues - it works both ways, you can be in a situation where you're struggling with money issues because of poor mental health issues or because you have money issues you end up with mental health problems. As it is Mental Health Awareness Week we just wanted to highlight this vicious cycle that many of our clients find themselves in and explore it further.
Our Community Outreach Adviser, Philippa, talks to clients every day and knows how common a problem this is. In her blog she talks about her experience with supporting clients who are in crisis and suffer from mental health and also the importance of being aware of the things that affect our mental wellbeing:
Mental health during Covid times
Having worked for years with people who struggle with their mental health and having been on my own roller coaster which has at times had extreme lows I know how it important it is for people to be aware of the things that affect their mental health, to look at what they can do to help themselves and to find out…
As a REACH client, Sally has experienced this after Covid-19 left her jobless, in debt and suffering with poor mental health:
Sally's Story
When Covid-19 hit and lockdown began in March 2020, like many others, she was put on furlough. 4 months later 'Sally’ was made redundant. Her mental health suffered quite badly as she never…
It has been a tough year for everyone and we hope that you have been able to take care of your mental wellbeing during these difficult times. However, if you are struggling with your mental health or know someone who is, please know that you’re not alone in this and there is amazing help out there. We work closely with local services like Lifelink and Circles who can provide support to those struggling with their general wellbeing and mental health.
If you are struggling with debt, having some 'Breathing Space' can be a great help. This scheme aims to relieve the pressures of dealing with debt.
If you have money issues and you're struggling with mental health and need to talk to someone, please get in touch: 0800 009 6710 | info@reachhaverhill.org.uk