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Sally's* Story

Covid-19 had a massive impact on Sally's mental health after it left her jobless and in debt. When Covid-19 hit and lockdown began in March 2020, like many others, she was put on furlough. 4 months later Sally was made redundant.   Her mental health suffered quite badly as she never ever imagined that she was going to be made redundant.  She had always worked and had never been on benefits, so this was a completely new situation for her.  After a few months, she started feeling depressed and didn’t want/couldn’t go out or see people. She really didn’t know how she was going to get out of her situation because her debts were mounting up, bills needed paying and she had no money to do so. 

When Sally came to REACH, we were able to access a fund which helped clear her Council Tax arrears, which was a huge weight off her mind as she was constantly worried about bailiffs coming around.  We’re currently helping her manage her other debts and she is very relieved to have the support and guidance. 

Some good news, Sally has a new job now. She is so pleased to be able to go back to work again – she can’t wait!  She already feels so much better and more positive about life.  Her mental health has significantly improved because she will be working again, doing a job she loves and also, she will have structure and order to her days; this was really hard to cope with during furlough/unemployment. 

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*Client name and details changed to protect client's identity