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A Message from Jo 

Dear Friends,

Jo circle


I was reminded this week of that old seasonal story, A Christmas Carol.  Maybe you too have been catching up on Christmas films or songs and have been enjoying watching re-runs of the classics? Well, it got me thinking about the work that is done here at Reach and the help we offer; quite often when we meet clients for the first time we are asking them to look back in time to see what has gone on in their past and we record what has gone on before that day.  Then we take a look at their current circumstances and see what is happening in their life at that present time and see where they are financially, socially and emotionally.  Then with those things in hand, we aim to look to their future to see where we can help.

Now I am not for one minute comparing any of us to the characters of Scrooge or Marley!! But for me as a Christian, I take hold of the thought that God takes me from the past, sees where I am in my current state and offers me the gift of light and hope for the future.  We could all do well to look back, look in and then look ahead.  What has brought us to where we are today and how are we going to move forward?

Well the good news is that the God I serve is the same Yesterday, Today and Forever - and I find that amazing!  The ever faithful and ever-loving God will always guide us, will forever love us and will never leave us.  So here within the work of Reach we can also take those thoughts on board and apply them to us as a charity.  This year God has brought us from being four staff to now being seven, we have expanded the areas in which we now work and our community work is reaching vulnerable in villages in Suffolk, Essex & South Cambs.  Also our volunteers’ base has grown, which is fantastic, as we actually couldn’t do the work we do without them.  God, who is ever faithful, has brought the whole idea of Reach into fruition, is our constant source of daily help, and gives us fresh vision for all that He would have us do in the future.

So, as this year comes to a close, may we take the opportunity to thank you for all your support for Reach – we really couldn’t do all that we do without the prayer support we receive from so many – and we will continue to serve our communities in the best way that we can….

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.”  Proverbs 31:8-9
A very Merry Christmas to you all and a Happy New Year!
From all at Reach Community Projects.
….We’ll praise Him for all that is past and trust Him for all that’s to come…. (Traditional Hymn)