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An accident left Helen in crisis

Helen's StoryHelen-&-Ann-portrait

"I never thought this would happen to us!  We had been out for the night, it was New Year’s Eve 2017, and we thought we’d come 

home early.  Just as we were nearly home, Glen Slipped and ended up in the road.  I think he hit his head on the kerb.  Paramedics came and it was decided to put him to bed.  The following morning I knew something wasn’t right as he was being sick and he’s never sick.  I couldn’t seem to wake him either.  I called 111 and a paramedic came, he called for an ambulance and in the end we had the air ambulance arrive with a Doctor to help, but the ambulance took him to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.  I was in shock, and then to be told to fear the worst as he may not make it! 

He did pull through, and after a couple of operations Glen was moved to Leamington Spa in March.  It was a terrible time though, it was so far away.  I was supposed to be working, but I was exhausted.  When he came back to Addenbrooke’s for another operation, I was adamant that he wasn’t going back to Leamington and was relieved that he could move to a rehab in Ely.  He went there last June, they’ve been amazing. 

Glen was working full time and the company have been really good and supportive.  Glen’s got three children; 16, 13 and 11. We always take them away on holiday in August and I wanted to carry on and do that, but when I stopped I had a break down and haven’t been back to work since. 

I had to look at claiming benefits, I’d never claimed benefits before as I’ve always worked.  I didn’t know where to start.  I did try and get some help, but I found myself not really wanting to go out.  That’s when a friend asked if I’d been to REACH?  I said no, and I went up there that afternoon and quite simply, they changed my life around.  I first went in in November last year. 

Not only did I have to do another benefit form but I had to apply for a new house that would be accessible so that Glen could come home. I couldn’t even deal with the online forms that were needed but they helped me complete these.  And then the lady who was helping me asked if I had any food, and when I told her what I was eating she gave me a food box.  I just cried. 

I went in a few more times in the run up to Christmas and they gave me this lovely Christmas hamper.  I’d also just heard that a bungalow had become available, but I was a bit naïve and didn’t realise with council houses that there wouldn’t be carpets, a cooker etc. and as I have not been working there hasn’t been any money to fund these purchases. I didn’t expect it, but REACH helped me with funding for lounge carpets, hallway vinyl and two bedroom carpets, a cooker for the kitchen and a washing machine. They really have been absolutely amazing. 

Sadly, I am unlikely to go back to work as he is going to need full-time care.  Naturally I’m nervous, but REACH has given me some hope for the future. It got to the point where I just wouldn’t leave the house, I didn’t want to see or talk to anybody but after a long time I am starting to feel like myself again. 

I really can’t thank Ann and her team enough.  I don’t know what I would have done without them.” 


Donate now and help someone else get through a crisis! 

What happened to Helen and Glen could happen to any of us.  But thanks to the generosity of people like you, they were able to get back on their feet and out of debt.

If you'd like to help another family in crisis and to rise above poverty, please make a gift today - just click the button below! 

  • £10 could enable us to buy a bedding pack
  • £20 could provide electricity for a family for 1 week 
  • £50 could provide a family of four with food for a week 
  • £100 could help a family to work through their issues and rise above the misery of poverty permanently

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