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Why Give Regularly?

Our community of regular donors are truly the lifeblood of what we do.

"I can't explain how encouraged I am to know there are people out there who are committed to doing good, who believe in a better life for people in our community, and who are determined to see a brighter and fairer future." - Henry Wilson, CEO

Whether you give £2 or £200, it just means everything, because we simply couldn't do it without your support.

How your monthly gift helps us lessen financial hardship


Building trust through long-term relationships

Glen hands
During COVID, Glen requested a food parcel. We delivered it due to his agoraphobia and discovered a multitude of issues. Because Glen doesn't fit into the mainstream mould of society, he hasn't been understood, and certainly has no trust or faith in others.

Over years we've earned his trust, helped him back into control of his finances. We still provide ongoing support, including assistance with hoarding. As a recluse who worries about how others perceive him, having someone to turn to long-term is crucial for Glen.

He has no-one else.
But he knows we haven't given up on him, and never will.



It's incredibly important to us that we can say to anyone who comes to us for help that we'll support them for as long as it takes. Often, people have been repeatedly let down by a system that does not allow the time and care to understand individuals and their unique circumstances. 

But because of the regular support that you give, we are able to make ourselves sustainable, which allows us to confidently reassure the people we're helping that they will not be abandoned.

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The legacy of regular support

Lisa"The other day someone recognised me from REACH. He spoke to me about a staff member of his, a lady who had lived locally for over 50 years, whose parents had passed away. She had lived with them, and soon after they passed, she had received an eviction notice. She was offered a home, but it was the other side of Braintree, and it caused her a lot of anxiety, understandably. 

"He said we had got involved and got the decision overturned (his words), and now they have agreed that she can stay in the house and he was just so grateful.

"Your support is so valued by local people - so much so, he still took to the time to thank me for what we had done for his staff member."