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PXL 20211001 145502244---max-iMaximising Income Factsheet

  1. Complete a benefits check to ensure you are in receipt of all the benefits you are entitled to on either Turn2us or entitledto.  This includes help towards your housing costs and council tax reduction.
  2. Check that you are on the right tax code
  3. If one of you earns under £12,500 and one of you earns over £12,500, transfer £1,250 of your personal allowance to your spouse which reduces tax by up to £250 -
  4. If you have older children living at home and they are working or receiving benefits, are they, as a minimum, contributing financially and covering the increase in food/utilities/food/council tax that it costs you to have them living there? Are they able to contribute more?
  5. Are you on the correct council tax? Are you entitled to a reduction, or could you be exempt? For example, if you live alone, if you receive Guarantee Pension Credit and meet requirements, or if you have or live with someone with severe mental impairments. 
  6. If you have a disability or ongoing illness, are you able to claim disability benefits?
  7. Are you able to get a part-time job? You can earn a certain amount before your benefits start being deducted. How much is dependent on your circumstances. Use one of the benefits calculators above to see how earnings will affect the amount you get.
  8. To help enable you to work you may be able to get 15 hours of childcare free if you have a two year old and are on benefits or a low income, or between 15 and 30 hours for a 3/4 year old.  
  9. If you are in work, depending on how much you earn, you may be able to get free childcare - for 9 months to 2 years old, 15 hours per week of free childcare is available, and for 3 to 4 years old, 30 hours per week of free childcare is available.
  10. If you get child tax credits click here to see which scheme will leave you better off financially 
  11. Are you able to apply to a charity for a grant to help you short term? There are many different charities out there. Fill in your details on Turn2us including location, age, previous occupations, and religion, etc, and see what is available. If you cannot find any support and you are in desperate need of help with utilities, white goods, or other essential needs, please do contact us and see if we can help you!
  12. If you’re pregnant or have a child under four you may be entitled to vouchers to use on milk, fruit, and vegetables.  Click here to find out more.
  13. Do you have things around your house that you no longer use/wear? Sell them on Facebook/Vinted/eBay. This can include things like empty boxes and instructions for gadgets so have a look through eBay and be creative.
  14. Are you in receipt of Child Maintenance? If not and you are the main carer, can the other parent contribute?
If you need help with benefits and other reductions that you may not be aware of, the best option is to visit a Drop-in session. Our Drop-ins do not need to be booked in advance and are open as follows:

Monday: The Link (Haverhill Town Centre) Drop-in 10am-midday
Tuesday: Chalkstone Community Centre Drop-in 10am-midday
Thursday: The Link (Haverhill Town Centre) Drop-in 2pm-4pm

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