Reach Haverhill Logo

"I never thought this would happen to us!" 

June 2019 


Helen & Ann web
An accident left Helen in crisis

"REACH has helped to restore dignity and give me some hope for the future. It got to the point where I wouldn’t leave the house, I didn’t want to see or talk to anybody but after a long time I am starting to feel like myself again. " Read more

henry newsletter web
Hello from Henry 

"Helen's situation could happen to any of us..."    Read more


1st Haverhill Cubs 104 web
In celebration of our volunteers 

As part of the 'Our World Challenge Award' 19 cubs from the 1st Haverhill Beavers, Cubs and Scouts arrived at our warehouse on a Saturday morning.  Read more


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URGENT - could you help us next Saturday?

We're relocating (temporarily) out of our Resource Centre next Saturday 8th June to Leiston Community Centre for 2 weeks and need help with the move!    Read more


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Refurbished Resource Centre will help 135 more families a year!

You've probably read how the introduction of Universal Credit and the delays in payments coming through are having a big impact across the country.  It's affecting people in Haverhill too.  Read more


HH 101 SM web
A big thank you to all our donors

People living in poverty can find themselves having to choose between eating and heating their homes. But last winter that was a choice that 58 adults (plus 59 children) didn’t have to make - because ...   Read more


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Date for your diary - Reach Summer Party! 

Get the dates in your diary! more details to come Read more