Strategic Leadership Team
Get to know...
Henry Wilson MBE – Chief Executive Officer
I completed a church-based leadership development course in 2004. Soon after, an opportunity arose to train as a debt advisor and pioneer a new debt advice community project. I jumped at the chance! Little did I know then that from those small beginnings would come an independent charity helping hundreds of families every year.
I am a Haverhill boy, born here and attended the local schools. As a child, my parents struggled with a constant lack of money and debt. But a strong work ethic and a stable family life sowed the seeds for the work to come at REACH.
Prior to working in the community, I ran a small general purpose photography business in Haverhill, but officially ‘retired’ in 2011 to concentrate fully on the expanding work of REACH.
The work began expanding in 2008 when we opened a foodbank in partnership with the Trussell Trust[1]. I subsequently began helping the Development Manager to promote the need for foodbanks across the region before Area Development Officers were appointed.
In addition to leading REACH. I have held the post of Vice Chair of the multi-organisation group ONE Haverhill Partnership[2] for 3 years and now chair the Crime & ASB task and finish group.
I am married to Angela and have 2 grown-up children, and 3 beautiful granddaughters born in December 2017, November 2021 and June 2022. Alongside a love for the family, in the summer I love gardening, open water swimming, and cycling. And in the winter I spend my time 'capturing memories' (more than just photography) and building family albums. Oh, and I do enjoy a glass of wine, dinner up the table, and it has to be proper coffee!