As I write this, it is literally 12 years to the day that I began working as a debt counsellor for Christians Against Poverty. In my first year we helped 36 families or individuals with debt related issues, today we are helping hundreds of families every year with debt, food, furniture and more. We are seeing some great success stories too, like Janet who is featured in our annual review[1] and became debt free this year! Or Mark & Liz who also became debt free this year; to me this is why we do it and despite the difficulties of fundraising and ensuring we have enough food in to help those struggling, these stories just make it so worthwhile!
Despite our successes, we’re not content to sit back when there are people struggling with poverty related issues, who cannot come in to see us and it doesn’t matter what it is, whether it’s a lack of income, a change of benefit or debt, we want to help. To enable us to do this we have launched a new project called ‘Reach into the Community’. We are thrilled to have Tina who is looking after the villages into South Cambs and Jo who is looking after Haverhill and the surrounding villages, bringing Reach resources out into the community.
We have many challenges ahead, not least Universal Credit[2] – the Governments new way of supporting low income families and some of the most vulnerable in our community. As of 18th October Haverhill will become a full UC area meaning that those claiming it for the first time will have to wait up to 6 weeks (longer sometimes) before they receive any money. Claimants will be offered a short term benefit advance, but sadly we are expecting an increased demand on our foodbank than usual and therefore we have been preparing ourselves for this. We are quite relieved that it Harvest time where we receive lots of food from schools and churches and are hoping for a good ‘harvest’ to replenish our depleted stocks. If you would like to know our current needs in terms of food, these can be found on our website - alternatively sign up to receive our weekly email by contacting Corrine at
Other challenges include our surround our finances. We are so pleased to receive the support of a number of private individuals and companies who support us regularly via our regular giving scheme. This is a great way to support us and helps us become more sustainable going forward and helps us with our budgeting. If this something that you feel that you too are able to do, please visit our website for more information.
Lastly, I just want to say a big thank you for helping us support local people struggling with poverty related issues in and around Haverhill. It’s been an amazing 12 years and we know there are many more people who need our help, however you help us, whether it’s food, finance or volunteering we really couldn’t do it without you.
[1] Annual Review
[2] Universal Credit