Reach Haverhill Logo
Contact hours: Monday to Friday, 9am - 4.30pm

Please contact the office BEFORE 1pm for food queries
If you need a face-to-face meeting, please call or visit our Welcome Space
Contact Us Phone: 0800 009 6710

Reviving Hope and Maintaining Dignity

At Reach we believe that everyone deserves to live their lives -
To the Full.
However, financial crisis and hardship related issues have a devastating effect on individual and family life.

Debt, low income and homelessness can lead to mental health problems, relationship breakdown, low aspiration, marginalisation, poor health and low self-esteem.

Our purpose is to journey with people, however long it takes, providing practical help, advice and support.

We aim to tackle and prevent these issues while maintaining dignity, reviving hope and enabling people to live life to the full.

Stories from people we have helped

Focussing on the Three 'P's, we're working with people, partners, schools and government bodies to help relieve and prevent financial hardship in Haverhill and surrounding areas.

Large format Homepage 3 Ps

Click for more information


Projects and activities

As Reach's practical action in fulfilment of our mission we run a number of projects and activities aimed at uncovering and resolving the root issues that people are experiencing.
  • Debt and Budgeting advice
  • Threatened Eviction
  • Emergency Food
  • Client Aid or Household Support (inc. Starter Packs)
  • Benefits and Housing Applications
  • Self-help and Information

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